
Corewell Health is the new name for ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥.

Estimate Disclaimer

Important information regarding price estimates

It is ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥’s goal to provide all patients with the highest quality health care services regardless of where they live or their financial circumstances. At ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥, we agree that transparency about the costs of healthcare is important. We are dedicated to helping you navigate cost and billing issues. Listed below are several resources to help you understand and compare costs. 

These resources may not reflect your actual out-of-pocket costs. Actual costs vary based on different factors, such as:

  • Your health insurance, such as deductibles, co-pays or coinsurance amounts, and other requirements specific to your health insurance 
  • Specific items or services you may need during your visit based on your medical needs, which vary and may not be accounted for by these resources
  • Charges from health care providers who are not employed by ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ but may be involved in your medical care
  • Financial aid, discounts or payment plans
  • Since estimates may be based on historical data, the pricing indicated may change

Obtain a cost estimate

For the most accurate estimate of the cost of care, please call us at 855-577-5780 so we can provide more accurate or individualized estimates. You also should contact your insurance company for an accurate estimate of your out-of-pocket costs specific to your health insurance.

Price estimator tool

The allows you to obtain an estimate for selected services and/or items based on average charges and other details. This tool provides estimates for at least 500 “shoppable” services.

Standard Charges

To improve price transparency, all U.S. hospitals are required to provide lists of standard hospital charges, also known as a “chargemaster”, to help patients compare costs. Below are some considerations as you view our List of Standard Charges (chargemaster):

  • These charges rarely are the price that patients pay. The chargemaster lists amounts for each service prior to any adjustments or discounts being made. In other words, you may pay less than these charges depending upon your health insurance.
  • Charges will vary based on whether items or services are bundled or charged separately, which depends upon your health insurance.
  • Comparing hospital charges does not provide any indication of quality or outcomes.

Financial assistance 

We understand the stress that comes with paying for medical care. If you do not have health insurance or your insurance does not cover all of your costs, there may be other options to assist you. You can learn more about our Financial Assistance Policy or by speaking with one of our advisors at 248-577-9205 to discuss options that may best fit your needs.