
Corewell Health is the new name for ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥.

VolunteersThere are hundreds of organizations that need your service, so why should you choose ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ to share your time and talent? Because with a wide variety of volunteer needs across Southeastern Michigan, we take great care to match your interest and skills to specific areas. From working directly with patients to assisting with behind-the-scenes hospital operations, and in our communities, ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ has the perfect fit for you.

With eight hospitals and a number of off-site locations, there are a variety of volunteer opportunities available. ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ volunteers are the eyes and ears of our community and an integral part of our team.

You will make a difference in the lives of our patients, visitors, and staff and help provide compassionate, extraordinary care every day.

Get Started

Our one stop application process allows you to easily get started at any ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ location or program. Explore the opportunities, complete an application and become part of the ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥ team.


Volunteer at ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥