
Corewell Health is the new name for ÷ÈÓ°Ö±²¥.

Updated Visiting Information

For the safety of our patients, their families, our employees and physicians, children who are 21 years of age or under are only allowed two visiting parents/legal guardians. We look forward to the day when COVID-19 is no longer a threat and we are able to welcome family and friends without these modifications.

Important for Parents

Parents should be prepared to show a picture ID upon entering the hospital, and/or entering and exiting a unit (Peds, PICU or NICU).

During Your Visit

A waiting lounge is provided outside most patient care areas. There are no formal visiting hours in pediatrics at our hospitals. Each hospital has designated quiet times to promote a quiet, healing environment. The nursing staff and guest services representatives at the information desk can provide details on designated quiet times.

Your cellular phone can be used in almost all areas of the hospital. However, certain patient care equipment can malfunction when a cellular phone is operated within close proximity. You will see a sign if your phone needs to be turned off because of the possibility of interfering with this equipment.

Most units have a welcome brochure that explains more about the unit routines and any special visitor instructions.

More Visiting Information
More Visiting Information